Remove Geese From Campuses, Parks & Fields

Bell Bird Control has an eco-friendly solution for removing unwanted geese from your campus, park, or athletic field. We help golf courses, schools, apartment complexes, businesses, and towns take back their turf and lawns from Canada Geese and the bird droppings they leave behind. Our effective, humane, and proven solution works 24/7 for your property.

Bell Bird Control apply a liquid goose repellent that is 100% effective at preventing Canada Geese from feeding on treated turf. There’s no harm to birds, vegetation, nearby aquatic life, people, and pets. The repellent is invisible to our eyes but can be seen by geese as a warning that they should avoid this grass and lawn and move to another location. (Birds see ultraviolet (UV colors and the UV repellent applied to the grass is seen by geese as a bright red warning sign to stay away.)

Bell Bird Control performs several applications on your property per year focused near any ponds and water sources. Our services control geese problems and prevent the need to have to watch out for goose droppings. Reach out to us to learn more.

Protect Golf Courses From Canada Geese & Bird Messes

Unfortunately there's no ducking bird flu being carried by Canada geese. Now is the best time to speak with Bell Bird Control on ways to prevent the growing prospect of Canada Geese bringing avian flu and other problems to your golf course.

We know how challenging bird-related issues can be for golf courses—damaged greens, unwanted droppings, disruptions to players' experiences, and the many health risks related to birds and the messes they leave behind. We specialize in humane and effective bird control solutions tailored for golf courses. We use a scientifically proven, turf-safe, invisible liquid repellent that deters birds —especially geese— without harming them. It makes treated grass unappealing to birds through a harmless visual and sensory deterrent that is undetectable by people. Our humane program encourages birds to relocate without disrupting your course’s beauty and playability. Bell Bird Control’s service program delivers 24/7 results for year-round protection from Canada Geese. Contact us for a free consultation to assess your specific bird control needs.